The LiLla Project

The LiLLa (Land Life Learning) project focuses in two areas outstanding enough: the organizations that work for the rural development and the organizations for adult education. Both have in common the will of giving support to the rural development and to the quality of life of their inhabitants and coincide in what education is a basic factor to achieve it. The organizations of rural development carry out many activities related with the area of education and the educational organizations often have difficulties to carry out educational programs in small populations.

The aim of this project is to add up efforts to optimize resources and to give better opportunities of learning lifelong and everybody: multi-functional community centres (Civic Centres, Houses of Culture, libraries, Houses for senior people, museums...), rural tourism, local economy, intermunicipal communications, local centres..., they will be subjects to discuss, among other. With this project we will have the opportunity to know experiences of different countries (Holland, Catalonia - Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), exchanging good practices, to make visits "in situ", etc. These will be some of many activities that we will carry out thanks to the support of the European Commission through the Socrates - Grundtvig 2 programs.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The LiLla project (2nd. year 2nd. visit) Norway

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